
Toll increase of up to 83%. We have the solution


Information on
toll increase from 01.12.2023

From December 1, 2023, CO2 emission classes will be introduced as a new tariff feature for the toll based on the Toll Amendment Act passed by the German government. As a result, a CO2 surcharge will be levied for the truck toll, with a surcharge of €200 per tonne of CO2. In concrete terms, this means that for all vehicles with a technically permissible total mass of over 7.5 tons, a partial toll rate for CO2 emissions will be added to the existing toll. The toll rates will therefore increase by between 70 – 83 % compared to the current toll rates in emission class 1 (see chart).


Exceptions to the Toll

Emission-free heavy commercial vehicles play a crucial role in environmentally conscious transport. To promote their use, a toll exemption was introduced in Germany, which is valid for these vehicles until December 31, 2025, and supports the transition to more sustainable transport solutions.


Solution by Klumpp + Müller

Let’s work together to overhaul your logistics processes. By leveraging the advantages of our Trimodal Terminal and combining it with the use of our modern electric trucks, you enable emission-free transportation and contribute to reducing your CO2 footprint and CO2 costs. Rely on forward-thinking and environmentally friendly transportation solutions with Klumpp + Müller.


Your contact person

Get in touch today to improve your CO2 balance and reduce your costs

Annika Klüm

+49 7851 8700 39

Falk Schrader
Key account manager

+49 7851 8700 62